- You are being invited to take part in a research study. What should I know about this research?
- Taking part in this research is voluntary.
- There is no penalty if you do not join.
- You can always opt out.
- Feel free to ask questions anytime.
- Ask any questions before making your decision.
- Why is this research being done?
- Depression affects 30% of people every year, and early detection can make a big difference.
- Artificial intelligence can help doctors find depression early and get people to the right level of care.
- The purpose of this study is to find correlations between voice and how people sound with clinical diagnoses.
- 1,000 people will take part in this research.
- How long will I be in this research?
- The study will last 45 minutes or less.
- You will be asked to complete a web-based
- Voice recorded section:
- 3 questions that are up to 60 seconds each.
- 16 multiple-choice questions that ask a range of how you are feeling.
- A clinical assessment from a licensed mental health professional immediately following the survey above (30 min).
- What happens to me if I agree to take part in this research?
- You will be required to record your voice answering specific questions.
- The recordings will be analyzed for pitch, tone, and other traits.
- After the voice recordings, you will complete two self-assessments: PHQ-9 and GAD-7.
- Shortly thereafter, you will be asked to follow a link to start a video conference call with a mental health professional for further evaluation.
- Potential risks:
- There is always the potential for breach of confidentiality, but all entries are encrypted.
- Participation may bring up emotional content that could temporarily impact your mood.
- Will it cost me money to take part in this research?
- There is no cost to you for participation.
- Will being in this research benefit me?
- There may be no direct benefit from participation.
- Possible indirect benefits include a reduction in anxiety and stress.
- What other choices do I have besides taking part in this research?
- You can choose not to participate.
- What information will you collect during this research?
- Personal information about you directly related to the research or as required to provide you with your participation payment.
- What happens to the information collected for this research?
- Your private personal information, including audio recordings, will only be shared with necessary parties.
- The audio recordings and survey responses will be maintained for at least three years following the completion of the study.
- When the study is over, email addresses will be deleted, and coding will be used to match the records going forward.
- Who can answer my questions about this research?
- The Research team is available to answer any questions, issues, or complaints.
- Can I be removed from this research without my approval?
- You may be removed without approval if it is in your best interest or if the research is canceled by the sponsor.
- What happens if I agree to be in this research, but I change my mind later?
- If you decide to leave before completion, please inform the Research Coordinator.
- There is no penalty for leaving the study at any time, and all data collected up to that point will be discarded.